New Jersey Workers Comp Insurance Policy Information
Our emphasis on close attention to detail in insurance policies really pays dividends when you need to make a claim. We follow the claim through every stage and make sure that the claim is paid fully, fairly and promptly. We recognize that buying insurance involves a promise and that it's our job to make sure that promise is kept. The strength and experience of our workers compensation insurance market allows us to offer competitive premiums to both large and small businesses throughout New Jersey.
Forward looking loss control services, including software to manage claims and determine x-mods three months prior to renewal has produced measurable savings to our New Jersey clients with significant workers compensation needs. Our experience in working closely with the insurance market locally is focused on negotiating the best possible terms for our client, with insurers reputable and stable enough to honor their policy commitments.
Workers compensation insurance protects an employer from liability for an accident involving an employee. The insurance coverage pays benefits to your employees if they are injured on the job. It will cover their medical bills, a portion of lost wages, vocational rehabilitation, and death benefits. The coverage amount is established by state law and benefits don't vary from company to company within the same state.
New Jersey workers compensation insurance covers all the employees of the business. Special provisions must be made if an employee works out of state. It may cover the business owner if the business is a corporation and the owner is actively involved in the business.
Click on the link below to fill out a secure quote request form for a New Jersey workers compensation insurance plan that regardless of whether you're a large employer or a small business, will provide exceptional Workers Compensation Insurance coverage for your business at an affordable cost.
Or you can speak with our New Jersey Workers Comp Insurance agent specialist at (866) 771-1313 to discuss the policy features in more detail.